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Floor Clause: The European Court orders full return

Floor Clause: The European Court orders full return

The European court has given good news to citizens who have contracted Mortgages with FLOOR CLAUSE by declaring the Supreme Court's decision to limit the retroactive effects of its return incompatible with community law. The banks are going to have to return everything they have overcharged on their clients' mortgages.

 Do you have a floor clause?

In your mortgage it will appear in the third clause Bis, and will establish a minimum rate from which the interest rate does not fall, for example, 2,5%, 3%, 4%. This implies that even if the Euribor goes down, your mortgage payment does not go down, and you pay the bank more.

If you suspect that your mortgage has a floor clause that does not allow you to benefit from the interest rate drops that have been occurring in recent times and that represents a relief for the consumer, do not let ignorance and lack of information stop you. lead to losing the extra money invested as a result of its inclusion, nor to continuing to lose economic amounts in the future, since remaining passive in this situation will have these consequences.

Can I recover the extra money paid?

Yes, you can get it back. Depending on the cases and date of the mortgage, we are talking about very significant amounts, which can range from 5.000 euros onwards. This is the money that you, month after month, have overpaid to the bank, and now you can claim it.

I think I have a floor clause, what can I do?

Contact our team of professionals, they will give you sufficient security and confidence in the processing of this procedure, where after a first free consultation in our office, we will do a study of your mortgage and floor clause, we will provide you with information about your rights and the procedure to follow.

Do not wait any longer to consult with us, as there are many cases in which we have worked, obtaining a satisfactory result, with the nullity of the abusive clause and the return of the amounts charged for the application of the clause.

Contact telephone number: 675 96 24 29 or 868 97 56 50.

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