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Damage after an Intervention

If after an intervention or medical treatment you consider or suspect that due to its consequences (dire consequences that do not correspond to what the result would be before the intervention) it may be victim of medical error or negligence, you may be interested in knowing more about the doctrine of disproportionate harm, which applies to these cases, in which after a medical intervention or treatment, consequences occur that are not foreseeable and normal, unrelated to the risks that are derived from it.

It is necessary that three basic elements be present: a normal initial situation in which the patient undergoes an intervention or treatment to obtain a specific result, a result of great importance or severity, and the lack of accreditation of the result obtained. .

Therefore, we are not talking about typical risks whose information was provided to the patient and he accepted, but rather about real, certain, effective and disproportionate harm.

So, if you find yourself in any of these situations, from our office lawyers in Murcia we can give you the most effective guidance and with greater guarantees of success in the exercise of the action aimed at demanding responsibility, since in these cases we try to prove the veracity of the facts and the relevance and severity of the damages caused that are disproportionate, to obtain judicial support in favor of the rights of the patient.

On the other hand, more and more cosmetic surgery interventions are being performed in our country. On many occasions in this type of operations the desired result is not obtained. It is then that we consider whether it is due to malpractice on the part of the doctor who performed the intervention. In these cases, once your case has been studied, we give you the necessary advice so that we are clear about the guarantees of success that we will obtain from said claim. You should know that in these cases we are faced with a contract of results, that is, the doctor who performs an aesthetic operation is obliged to obtain a result and not only to use all possible means to achieve it.

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