When we are faced with criminal acts committed by minors, you should know that their conduct does not go unpunished, but rather that their actions generate criminal liability to which a different legal system will be applied than that provided for adults, since it will apply to them. a specific legal regime established by Organic Law 5/2000, regulating the criminal responsibility of minors.
So if your son or daughter between the ages of 14 and 18 has committed an act that could be illegal, such as a fight, robbery or theft, know that there is a specific procedure by which the minor will have to compensate. the damage caused.
In our office lawyers in Murcia We offer you advice on this type of matter, informing you of the procedure and the steps to follow, exercising defense of minor offenders, such as the accusation against them. All of this will be carried out through a quick and non-formal procedure where the Juvenile Judge has broad powers of action and where the first thing we will try to ensure is that in the majority of cases we can reach extrajudicial solutions in order to avoid the process, always that based on the circumstances of the minor and in response to the specific case, it is the most appropriate legal response.
From the moment the minor is detained or from the moment you receive a call from the Police informing you that your child has been involved in some type of illegal incident, we will help you and advise you on the steps to follow, so that you can have all the information at your disposal and sufficient legal security, since we know that this type of situation is a great concern. You will have legal assistance from the moment of arrest, such as before the juvenile prosecutor's office and juvenile courts, with the corresponding appearances, possible mediation and execution sessions.
Know that the criminal consequences that the Law contemplates for the commission of misdemeanors or crimes committed by these minors are different from those established in the system provided for adults, and can be divided into three groups: custodial measures (internment or end-of-life stay) week), non-custodial measures (attendance at a center, supervised release, benefits for the benefit of the community, living with certain people) and therapeutic measures (detention or outpatient treatment). In these procedures, the judge will impose the most appropriate measure based on the age of the minor, the personal and social circumstances that surround him, his personality and his interest.
Lastly, and broadly speaking, it should be noted that depending on the illegal act committed and other circumstances, the Civil liability which the minor may incur, which the victim or the Public Prosecutor's Office can claim from him, and where the parents of the minor offender will normally be obliged to face it, since they are jointly and severally liable with him for the damages and losses caused.