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What is Joint Custody?

What is Joint Custody?

Shared custody is the legal situation through which, in the event of separation or divorce, both parents exercise legal custody of their minor children, under equal conditions and rights over them. It is contrasted with the figure of single-parent custody, which is exercised by only one of the parents.

It is sharing the important decisions of the minor's life, such as where they will live, what school they will go to, what language they will study in, what doctors will treat them, etc.

Share the obligations, such as all the expenses that the minor has, take care of him, his education, his school, his customs, his friends, etc.

In short, sharing custody means continuing to be, live and act as father and mother (under the same conditions as before the divorce).

The time and distribution of custody with each parent will depend on the personal circumstances of each parent and the minors, taking into account the work circumstances and availability of each of their parents.

Regarding the domicile of the parents, we assume that both parents lived at the same domicile before separating. If shared custody is applied, from the moment of separation-divorce, the circumstance arises that both are going to be involved in the care, education and support of the children and therefore, they should not distance themselves too much from the children. .

Regarding the issue of pension, neither will pass alimony to the other, but the logical thing is that both parents take care, 50% each, of all the children's expenses. The most effective way is to open a checking account and direct deposit all charges into it, which are accepted by both of you.

Pensions associated with exclusive custody favor the social parasitism of one of the parties and the economic and professional disincentive of the other; Coparenting regimes, by eliminating these disincentives, favor an increase in the standard of living of children.

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