Gender violence involves any act or attack against the integrity, dignity and freedom of women., exercised by a male subject with whom he maintains an emotional relationship. That is to say, it represents the most extreme manifestation of inequality between a man and a woman, within a framework of a system of relations of domination of men over women.
Gender violence can consist, among many of its variants, of physical but also psychological attacks, as well as cases of sexual harassment, and can occur both in the family or personal sphere and in the public sphere, although in the public sphere such actions are carried out by men over women are less frequent, given the great reproach, not only legal but also social, that they deserve.
If you find yourself in a situation similar to those described, first of all, you must go to the police and file a report describing the events you have suffered or the situation to which you are subjected. In order to continue the judicial action, you will require the services of a lawyer who will advise you on the judicial procedure to follow., and on the mechanisms provided for this type of criminal infractions.
On the other hand, if you are reported as the author of a crime of gender violence, you must contact a lawyer who will advise you on the mechanisms provided for in the law. In any case, you must testify at the police headquarters about the events that occurred, and after that, a quick trial will be held where your conduct will be prosecuted and the measures to which you must be subjected will be ordered, to which you must be assisted by a lawyer who will assist you. represent before the Court.
Your representation by a lawyer in Court is of notable importance, since a good defense and intervention in the procedure, in order to clarify the facts, is essential to avoid a criminal conviction for facts that may not constitute a criminal offense.
If you find yourself in any of the situations described above, do not hesitate to contact us, we will guide you on the procedure, and we will advise you on all the aspects that are fundamental in each of the different cases that may arise.