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The Courts specialized in floor clause and mortgage expenses

The Courts specialized in floor clause and mortgage expenses

In June 2017, Courts specialized in abusive clauses (floor clause and mortgage expenses, among others) were created, specifically 54 courts spread throughout Spain, but has this served to speed up judicial processes? The answer is no, since the courts are overwhelmed and continue with the usual slowness to process matters, although it is true that the first lawsuits have been dispatched more quickly, the truth is that, seven months later, they are already accumulating work.

It will be the General Council of the Judiciary that will decide before the end of the year if it maintains these courts, if it provides them with more resources, or what will happen.

At the moment, in Murcia, this office has already presented many demands for both floor clause and mortgage expenses, and we already know the criteria of the Court of First Instance number 11 of Murcia, favorable to the consumer.

It's time to complain to your bank spending of the formalization of the mortgage, and get your money back.

Contact us at 868 97 56 50 and we will inform you how to proceed.

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