If you think that you have been a victim of bank mala praxis in Spain, we offer you a juridical response against these bad practices carried out by banks or insurance companies in the past years. We will check your mortgage and any other bank documents and we will advice you if there is any abusive clause and the options to claim against this, assuring you of the best result, as there are many legal claims that we have carried out with success against banks of all around Spain.
We promise to fight and defend the rights of the people affected by the banks bad practices:
- Claims against Banks
- Floor rate clause (Clausula suelo)
- Preferent actions
- Bankia actions
- Other abusive clauses
- Stop mortgage foreclosure
- Claim against insurance companies
If you have suffered any problem with the following Banks do not hesitate to contact us:
- Banco Santander
- Cajamar
- Caja Ahorros del Mediterraneo (CAM) (Now Banco Sabadell)
- La Caixa
- Caja Murcia (Now Banco Mare Nostrum)
- Caixa Catalunya
- Caja Duero
- Bankia
- Banco Valencia
- Caja Granada
- Cajasur
- Banco Popular
- Evo Banco
- Bankinter
- Banco Pastor
For more information, contact us!